When your clients submit their Enquiry Form or Booking Request Form, Party Pro Manager will do two things instantly and automatically to let them know that their request has been well received and to let them know what happens next.

  1. An instant email notification will be sent their way.  This email includes:
    1. A customizable Subject line
    2. A customizable message from you
    3. A table with the details of the enquiry they submitted
    4. A customizable note about "What happens next"
  2. Your client will also be redirected to a success screen after submission.  This screen includes:
    1. A confirmation message
    2. A customizable note about "What happens next"
    3. (Optional) You can choose to skip the built-in success screen and have the system redirect to a page on your own website instead

To customize the instant email notification...

  • Go to Settings > Enquiry Notifications
  • Update the "Confirmation text" as needed.
    This text is displayed above the table with all the enquiry details in the email that gets sent instantly to client after they submit their request.

    ⭐Recommendation: If, for example, you want to use this email to address Frequently Asked Questions, instead of putting the full details in this email, you may want to create a page on your website that has all the details and link to it in this email. Something like: "At this stage many of our customers are wondering things like: '<sample of common question 1>' or '<sample of common question 2>', and other great questions. Click here to get the answers to to all these questions and more: <link>

  • (On the same settings page)
    You may consider updating the "What happens next" text instead.

    Why? This text appears on the instant email mentioned above as well (below the heading "what happens next"), BUT... it also appears on the confirmation screen the client is directed to immediately after submitting their form.

    ⭐Again, same recommendation as above applies. Rather than putting ALL the info here, we recommend a brief sentence or two that motivates them to click to learn more if they want to.

To customize the success screen...

  • Go to Settings > Enquiry Notifications
  • Update the "What happens next" text.  (reminder, this also updates the "What happens next" text on the email notification)

    ⭐Again, same recommendation as above applies. Rather than putting ALL the info here, we recommend a brief sentence or two that motivates them to click to learn more if they want to.
  • (OPTIONAL) If you prefer to set up a Success Screen that lives on your website and have Party Pro Manager redirect to this page, follow these steps:
    • Go to Settings > Form Settings
    • Find the "Custom Thank You Screen" section
    • Add the full URL to the thank you page on your website