If you have an event that requires a "formal" invoice, here's how you can send those via PPM...
Step 1: Open the Event Editor for the event in question
Step 2: Navigate to the "Utilities" tab and click on the "Invoicing" option (found in the "Other Tools" section)
Step 3: Update your "Invoice Options"
- Set "Invoice Date"
- (Optional) Add any "Additional notes to include on invoice" (note: you can set default invoice notes)
- You can use the "Preview / Print Invoice" button to generate a PDF that you can preview, print, or download
Step 4: Email the client with the invoice attached
- The "Email Options" section provide you with an email utility to send a copy of the Invoice to your client
- Choose a Standard Text to use, or write a custom email/subject
- Click "Attach & Send"